Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sexy Celebrity ____LEE HYORI

Here is HYORI's picture!!!!!!!!!!

She was SO SEXY AND GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!




Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reformation Crush

Oh my god!!! Yesterday morning, I was waiting mys bus to school as usual and it's 6 am. Then, someone have catched my sight, he was a foreign people and he was jogging around the housing area. He was SO AWESOME by wearing the lamp chimney on his head and yet this was the proper way. Oh I'm CRUSHING with the foreign people~~~ Then, here have another CRUSH!!! Because today at my class have a EYES CONTACT VS between girls and boys. And he was so happy with HER!!!! I wonder is him SARANGHAE?? LOL!!!!!!! XD
Okay, here I dedicated this song Crush to him. =D

Jive Record

he hang up his phone tonight

something happened for the first time

deep inside

it was a rush, what a rush

cause the possibility

that her would ever feel the same way

about him

it's just too much, just too much

why he keep running from the truth x2

all he ever think is about her

she got him hypnotized, so mesmerized

and he just got to know

do she ever think x3

when she're all alone

all that we can be

where this thing can go

am he crazy or falling in love

it is really just another crush

do her catch a breath

when he look at her

are she holding back

like the way he do

cause he's tryin, tryin to walk away

but he know this crush ain't goin away, goin away (The End)

has it ever cross her mind

when were hangin, spending time girl

are we just friends

is there more, is there more

see it's a chance we've gotta take

cause he believe that we can make this into

something that will last forever, forever


Monday, February 23, 2009


宫崎骏(宫崎 骏,Hayao Miyazaki)是日本著名动画片导演,1941年1月5日生于东京。宫崎骏可以说是日本动画界的一个传奇,可以说没有他的话日本的动画事业会大大的逊色。他是第一位将动画上升到人文高度的思想者,同时也是日本三代动画家中,承前启后的精神支柱。宫崎在打破手冢巨人阴影的同时,用自己坚毅的性格和永不妥协的奋斗又为后代动画家做出了榜样。










Sunday, February 22, 2009

Release 15%

Phew~ Finally end the St.John Test.. Now I can release 15% of tension =)And another 85% was left to the Monthly Test Exam =( Ouch!!!!!!! I'm still tiring and need to do a lot of homework and yet I'm still blogging here!! Okay, now let me tell about the Test that having today.

Firstly, I'm having a Theory Test at 8.00am until 9.00am. This year I should take the Adult Test that were 100 question in paper!! Hahaa, but luckily Dr. Hew allowed us to took the same paper with the St.John member that were below 18 year's old. And, the questions was quite easy , just I didn't read complete the notes. So hope I can pass for the Theory lar 0:)

Secondly, the highlight was came!! I started to do the Practical Test with bandaging. I'm was so lucky~ I was paired with MengHeng , ours St.John 2ND LEADER. And when I was finished to done my bandaging, I cant pull out the triangular bandage's node , but MengHeng was secretly helping me to pulled out the node . So nice~~ =D I was freaked out, oh no~

Thirdly, the last test Transportation. One group have 5 peoples. My group have Ng , Me , Lim , Tan and Chin. Chin was my close friend brother. In the structure part, Chin was the commander, he lead us to transport the casualty, something had happened but he stay calm and completed the transportation. So cool and nice~ And he never blame us when we do wrong the step. The Test was end , THANKS!! for those peoples that free out their times for teaching us :)

Wish All Of Us All The Best. Good Luck , you had done yours great job. 0:)


Saturday, February 21, 2009


Tagged by Babee~~
Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 5 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. If you could spend one Ringgit in 5 minutes, what would you spend on?
-Ice-cream =D
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
-Watching. Especially Horror movies, Funny movies,Cartoon (Naruto is great~)...
3. What kind of news do you read?
-Concern toward Celebrities, Education and Government News.
4. What would u do if u were to die tomorrow?
-Still enjoy my life with my family and friends =), but I think I'll cry.
5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
-Nope. (David Archuleta can count?? Heehee :p Hope no people will beat me after read this..)
6. Do you feel loved in this world?
-Partially.. (I knew this world will still be wonderful , if everyday have people pass away, because there also everyday have new borns~~ 0:)
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
-My family.
-My motivation to study.
8. What do you feel like doing right now?
-Worried.( tomorrow I'll take the st.john exam from 9.00am till 5.00pm and the monthly test is coming~~ Oh no !!)
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
-Yes. (Wuahahaa~)
10. List 5 things that u like in a guy/girl.
-Family background
11.List 5 things that you hate the most?
-No manners
-Poker-face to me with I didn't do wrong thing.
-Big mouth
12. What do you think is your purpose in life?
-Thanks God with motivation along the way in my life's
13. Do you feel like killing someone at the moment?
-Yes. (Rawr~~)
14. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
-McDonald~~ I'm Lovin' it~~ Heehee XD
15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
-Happy.( Rich can earn but happy can not earn..)
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
-Should be more Brave~
17. What is the most prized possession that you wish you can bring to Heaven?
-My memories and learning in life.
18. Name one love song that you have in mind and why?
-Crush~ David Archuleta. ( I started to admired him was his's Acappella. Nice vocal. Well done, David~)
19. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
-My way of treating peoples, I'm soft~~
20. Do you have a moment that you wanna be another person in life?
-Used to... used to when I'm under depression. ( agreed with Babee T___T)





Wednesday, February 18, 2009


咳,今年要考STPM,老师们开始帮我们恶补了,所以我今天必须参与学校的kelas tambahan。Heehee^^,不过还没上到多少课,我就先辞行,因为要赶巴士拉!是第2round的巴士,还好我赶上了,酱今天的做战计划,还蛮成功,clap~~

巴士里,很少人。小学生的样子看起来楚楚可怜,乖乖的坐着,我则坐在一个小男孩的旁边,=)他看起来跟我的AH boy同年,eh,是二校的叻。于是我便问他读第几班,他不好意思的说3M。(3M是列为较差的班)没想到现今的小孩已懂得分化这些事情,是学校的制度吗?是否教师们在学校用有色眼镜来教导学生?喝骂或恐吓学生??前几天吉隆坡15日讯,Dr.马哈迪的女儿表示我国面临的问题是学习环境和教师平常言行举止的态度,导致孩子以种族和宗教来分区别而非善恶来评定人。那么,小孩现在的分化态度是来自老师吗?当然家庭教育也很重要啦。我家的ah boy,做功课都会哭,只因为老师的一句话,(你们如果跟老师画的不一样,明天就要罚!)So pity~~ @__@

在学校,友人问我同学帅没,我却回他no comment,但他看起来好像被我hurted到.But i knew MH was play around us,so i just reply no comment. Sorry lar, if i wrong said something T__T

当人失落时 ,想要的是安慰。而不是,落井下石。


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


朋友之间的拔刀相助是发自内心还是斤斤计较的呢?近年来,我所累积的人情债可说是件家常便饭的事,说不定别人看着我往他的方向步行,都会神机妙算知道我有事相求。也许会让人不厌其烦吧?那真的十分抱歉!麻烦您了。真诚的感谢您。我想我该挣气了!我会尽量减少麻烦您的机会。友人说,人情债如果真的让我如此沉重,那我就需抛开。这句话让我终于下定决心,我会更爱我自己,更需保护自己。在这之前,我只能忍辱吞声,生气了不能说,不喜欢也不能讲,因为我没权利。我必须感恩,谢谢他的帮忙。身边的死党也不多,庆幸他们都会试着替我着想。真的很开心 =)但是,也许是随着岁月的蹉跎,我开始变了,放心,我还是我,只是思想方面和行为有所改变。可能会不经意做了一些死党不能接受的事情,你们给了一些意见,我是收到你们的关心的。是善意的,让我成长。感恩 =)

今天,他帮我到书店买书,他也拿来我家给我,真的感谢他。谢谢你。当然也要谢奕轩帮我叮咛他,不然。。。哈哈 =D 但是 ,美中不足,他喜欢跟别人开玩笑,却开不好,但是我们都知道啦 =)





看吧,我几珍贵 ,=D
